
Brachioplasty (Armlift)


Particularly affected by gravity, the arms are among the most difficult areas to keep firm and sculpted. Physical activity, combined with a healthy diet, can help strengthen the arms to some extent.

But in the case of adipose infiltration, or severe skin loosening, tonifying the muscle cannot be enough to obtain profiled arms. The lifting of the inner side of the arms, also known as “brachioplasty” or “brachioplasty” can then be indicated.

The discomfort caused by loose or wrinkled arms can affect self-confidence. Camouflaging unsightly arms severely limits clothing options. When there is a significant loosening of the tissues, excess skin and excess fat on the inner side of the arms, cosmetic surgery can help.

Brachioplasty is an aesthetic operation performed to remove thickening and sagging in the upper part of the arm. Depending on gaining and losing weight and aging, fatty tissue may increase in the upper part of the arm and excess skin may develop.

While skin excess is seen in some patients, also fatty tissue increase in the arm and heavier arm and skin excess are seen. If the patient has increased fatty tissue in the arm with excess skin, the brachioplasty can be combined with vaser liposuction.

Fatty tissue, accumulated in the arm, is removed by vaser liposuction and the excess skin is removed using an elliptical incision starting from the armpit and extending into the elbow.

In this way, both the arm is thinned and the excess skin is removed.By removing the fat excess from the arm, the weight of the arm decreases and therefore decreases in the tension on the suture lines and that provides better wound healing.

The incision on the arm is relatively less visible as it is located in the inner and the rear area of the arm. Especially in young patients with no excess skin and a good skin quality but only have complaint of lipoidosis in the arm it is possible to get rid of the fats in this area by Vaser liposuction and to ensure tightening of the arm.

Vaser makes the fat liquid with the ultrasonic effect and makes the excess skin more tight. Brachioplasty is an operation that takes about 2 hours and performed under general anesthesia.

We host our patients in the hospital for 1 night in order to get over to anesthesia. We recommend to use arm corsets to our patients for 6 weeks after brachioplasty. After surgery, our patients can return to their normal life within 1 week. Patients can start cardio exercises 10 days after the surgery.

Exercise movements requiring arm use can be performed 6 weeks after surgery. Brachioplasty can be performed alone or performed in combination with operations such as abdominoplasty, breast lifting, femur lifting in patients with sagging in other parts of their body due to loss of high amounts of weight because of obesity surgery.

When performing these surgery combinations, the general condition of the patient, the blood values and the size of the operation to be performed should take into consideration.

What is the difference between arm lift and brachioplasty?

The terms “brachioplasty” and “arm lift” refer to the same type of cosmetic surgery used to treat drooping or extra skin on the upper arms. The two phrases have the same meaning and are used synonymously to refer to the same procedure.

A brachioplasty, often known as an arm lift, is a surgical technique used to remove extra skin and fat from the upper arms in order to contour them. This is especially helpful for people who have lost a lot of weight or who are aging naturally, as these conditions can cause loose or flabby skin on the upper arms.

Usually, an incision is made on the back or inside side of the arm to remove extra fat and skin during the surgery. After that, the remaining skin is pulled taut and realigned to give it a more young, toned appearance.

It’s important to remember that an arm lift or brachioplasty is a surgical operation with possible dangers and a recovery period, just like any other surgery. A board-certified plastic surgeon should be consulted by anyone thinking about this treatment to go over their objectives, determine whether they are a good candidate for the surgery, and learn about the possible results and dangers.

In conclusion, an arm lift and a brachioplasty are two names used to refer to the same surgical operation that improves the appearance of the upper arms; there is no real distinction between the two.

How much is an arm lift in Turkey?

The cost of a brachioplasty (arm lift) in Turkey might vary depending on a number of criteria, such as the particular hospital or clinic, the plastic surgeon’s experience, the region, and the complexity of the treatment required.

An arm lift in Turkey might run you anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000 or more on average. These are only rough approximations, and specific clinics might have different cost structures.

It’s important to remember that costs for medical operations, including cosmetic surgery, might fluctuate over time. For precise and current pricing information, it’s advised to get in touch with individual clinics. Ask about any potential additional fees as well as what is included in the price, such as post-operative care and pre-operative consultations.

Selecting an arm lift or any other cosmetic operation in Turkey requires careful consideration of a plastic surgeon and clinic that is both qualified and respected. You may make an informed choice by reading reviews, examining the surgeon’s qualifications, and setting up an appointment to talk about your particular situation.

Is arm lift risky?

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, has some risks and potential problems, just like any surgical operation. People who are thinking about having this surgery must be informed of these dangers and have a full discussion about them with a licensed plastic surgeon. The following are a few possible dangers connected to an arm lift:

  • Scarring: The incisions made during arm lift surgery will leave scars. Each person may have different scars in terms of visibility and extent. Although a good surgeon would try to make incisions in unnoticeable places, scarring is a necessary side effect of the surgery.
  • Infection: There is a chance of infection with any procedure. Following the recommended pre- and post-operative care, which includes maintaining clean incision sites, reduces this risk.
  • Hematoma and Bleeding: During or after surgery, there is a chance of excessive bleeding or the development of a hematoma, which is a collection of blood outside blood vessels. To reduce bleeding, surgeons take care during the process.
  • Numbness or Changes in Sensation: Some people may get numbness in the treated area, either temporarily or permanently. Due to nerve injury sustained following surgery, this can happen.
  • Fluid buildup (Seroma): Seromas, or buildup of fluid beneath the skin, can happen. To solve this problem, it could be essential to drain extra fluid.
  • Postponed Wound Healing: Unexpectedly extended wound healing times might occasionally cause postponed recovery.
  • Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Outcome: Although the majority of people are happy with their arm lift, aesthetic procedures include a subjective component. It’s critical to have reasonable expectations and to be transparent with the surgeon on the desired results.
  • Dangers Associated with General Anesthesia: When performing surgery under general anesthesia, there are some dangers related to the administration of anesthesia. In order to reduce these dangers, the anesthesiologist will evaluate the patient’s medical history and take appropriate measures.
  • Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in performing brachioplasty operations is essential for anyone thinking about getting an arm lift. A full consultation should cover the possible dangers and problems according to the patient’s health, medical background, and particular situation.

To reduce the possibility of complications and improve the procedure’s overall safety, it’s critical to comprehend the risks, adhere to pre- and post-operative instructions, and keep lines of communication open with the surgeon.

How long does brachioplasty last?

Individual differences exist in how long the effects of brachioplasty (arm lift) last, and a number of factors can affect how long the results last. Even while the process can produce long-lasting benefits, it’s crucial to remember that age and weight fluctuations, for example, can have an impact on the outcomes over time.

The following factors should be taken into account about how long brachioplasty results last:

  • Factors specific to each person: The way that each person’s body and skin react to surgical operations varies. The longevity of the results might be affected by a number of factors, including skin elasticity, heredity, and general health.
  • Weight Variations: Considerable weight variations may have an impact on how long the results last. Following a brachioplasty, significant weight gain or loss may affect how the arms look.
  • Aging: Although brachioplasty can reduce extra skin and fat, it cannot reverse the effects of aging. The skin may become less elastic with time, and changes in the arms’ appearance may also be caused by gravity.
  • Lifestyle: Maintaining the benefits of brachioplasty can be facilitated by healthy lifestyle decisions, such as frequent exercise and a well-balanced diet. On the other hand, bad lifestyle decisions could shorten the results’ lifespan.
  • Sun Protection: Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause changes in the skin, including the formation of scars. Using sunscreen to shield the skin from damaging UV rays is advised.

Although brachioplasty is thought to be a permanent option for treating extra skin on the arms, it’s important to go into the treatment with reasonable expectations. Many people report notable and fulfilling benefits, and the effects are usually long-lasting. Nonetheless, continuing self-care can help maximize and extend the advantages of the procedure. This includes keeping a steady weight and leading a healthy lifestyle.

A board-certified plastic surgeon should provide a detailed consultation to anyone thinking about getting a brachioplasty. The surgeon can provide tailored information during this session depending on the patient’s particular anatomy, health, and objectives. The surgeon can also talk about how to best maintain the results after surgery and offer advice on how to do so.

How much is arm lift in Turkey?

The price of a brachioplasty (arm lift) in Turkey might vary based on a number of variables, such as the particular clinic, the plastic surgeon’s skill level, the patient’s location, and the complexity of the required treatment.

An arm lift in Turkey might run you anywhere from $1,500 to $4,000 or more on average. These are only rough approximations, and specific clinics might have different cost structures.

It’s crucial to remember that costs for medical treatments, such as cosmetic surgery, are subject to fluctuate. Consequently, it is advised to get in touch with particular clinics directly in order to get precise and current price information. Ask about any potential additional fees as well as what is included in the price, such as post-operative care and pre-operative consultations.

Selecting a trustworthy and knowledgeable plastic surgeon and clinic is essential when thinking about an arm lift or any other cosmetic operation in Turkey. You may make an informed choice by reading reviews, examining the surgeon’s qualifications, and setting up an appointment to talk about your particular situation.

How much does a brachioplasty cost?

Brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery, can have a wide range of costs based on a number of variables, such as the patient’s location, the particular clinic or hospital, the plastic surgeon’s skill level, and the complexity of the procedure. Furthermore, the cost of medical operations can vary over time.

In the US, brachioplasty usually costs anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 or more. Remember that these are only estimates and that results may differ in certain instances.

It’s crucial to account for additional expenses related to brachioplasty in addition to the surgical cost, such as anesthesia, facility fees, pre-operative consultations, post-operative care, and any required follow-up sessions. Furthermore, some clinics could include the price of prescription drugs and compression garments in their total package.

It is advised to make appointments for consultations with board-certified plastic surgeons in the preferred area in order to receive the most accurate and current cost information. The surgeon can evaluate your particular case, talk with you about your objectives, and provide you a comprehensive cost estimate based on your particular requirements during these consultations.

Prioritize a surgeon’s credentials, track record, and reputation over price when selecting one. You may make an informed decision about the operation and its costs by reading reviews, vetting qualifications, and keeping lines of communication open with the surgeon during the consultation process.

Which country has the cheapest brachioplasty?

Like any cosmetic procedure, brachioplasty costs can fluctuate greatly between nations and even within the same nation’s various areas. The local cost of living, the healthcare system’s infrastructure, and the qualifications of the participating medical experts are some of the elements that affect the cost variation.

Some nations with less expensive healthcare systems might provide brachioplasty treatments at a lesser cost. It’s important to remember, though, that when selecting a cosmetic surgery specialist or location, price shouldn’t be the only consideration. Equally significant are elements like the surgeon’s credentials, the clinic’s standing, and the general standard of care.

Although Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and South America are frequently thought to have less expensive healthcare systems, it’s still important to do your homework and select reliable medical professionals. The entire cost of the treatment should also take lodging, transport fees, and the possibility of follow-up visits into account.

It is advised to get in touch with particular clinics or hospitals directly if you want precise and current information about brachioplasty costs in various nations. Make appointments for consultations with board-certified plastic surgeons to talk over your objectives, get your case evaluated, and get comprehensive cost estimates that are tailored to your needs.

Is arm lift surgery worth it?

The decision of whether arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is “worth it” is based on the specific circumstances, objectives, and expectations of each patient. When deciding whether arm lift surgery is the right choice for you, keep the following things in mind:

  • Excess Skin and Fat: Excess skin and, occasionally, fat in the upper arms are the goals of arm lift surgery. If you lead a healthy diet and exercise but your severe sagging or loose skin in this area does not improve, you might want to consider getting an arm lift.
  • It is imperative to have reasonable expectations regarding the results of the procedure. Brachioplasty is not a weight-loss operation, and individual outcomes may differ, even though it can significantly alter the form of the arms.
  • Health considerations: In order to have an elective surgery, you should be in generally good health. In a consultation, it’s important to talk about your medical history with a licensed plastic surgeon, including any pre-existing conditions.
  • Weight Stability: Considerable weight variations can affect how well an arm lift works. Before thinking about the surgery, it is best to be at or close to a steady weight.
  • Scars: The incisions made during arm lift surgery will leave scars behind. Scarring is an inevitable consequence of surgery, even with the best-intentioned incisions. It is imperative to address any concerns you may have regarding scarring with your surgeon.
  • Options: Consider non-surgical options first, such as arm strength training activities, before opting to have surgery. But if the problem of extra skin keeps recurring, surgery might be the best course of action.

Consultation with a Plastic Surgeon: Arrange a meeting to talk about your objectives, concerns, and unique situation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. A skilled surgeon can determine if you are a good candidate for the surgery and offer tailored guidance.

In the end, it is a personal choice to have arm lift surgery. While some people prefer non-surgical alternatives or decide not to seek any intervention, others discover that the surgery dramatically improves their confidence and body image. Making an educated choice requires careful consideration of your own objectives and expectations, as well as open and honest discussion with a licensed surgeon and extensive research.

Brachioplasty Prices 2024

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