
Isn’t It Time To Say Goodbye With Your Weights?

Breasts larger than aesthetic standards cause cosmetic, psychological, and functional problems in women. For this reason, breast reduction surgery is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures.

Among the discomfort caused by large and sagging breasts: neck, shoulder, and back pain, irritating grooves on the shoulders of bras, pain in the breasts, itching, and redness under the breasts can be mentioned. In addition, very large breasts in young girls can cause some psychosocial problems and cause embarrassment.

Breast cancer and its relationship with breastfeeding

Imaging techniques like mammography are used in the pre-operative period when the patient is at a certain age or when a palpable mass is detected in the breast tissue. Then, the surgery technique is selected based on the size of the breasts and the characteristics of the skin and the breast tissue.

If tension and tenderness occur before the menstrual period, the operation should not coincide with this time. If there is breast cancer in the family, this should be reported to the doctor.

For normal milking, it is necessary to have the presence of functional breast tissue and the sensitivity of the nipple head, which is connected to the nipple with milk channels. There is no question of disruption of breastfeeding after a surgical procedure that does not impair these anatomical and physiological characteristics.

How does the operation take place?

Although surgery may be required before the development is completed in young girls with virginal breast hypertrophy to prevent normal psychosocial development, breast reduction operations are performed after breast development is completed. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

Several methods have been described for breast reduction surgery. General principles, after removal of excess skin, fat, and breast tissue, shaping the breast skin and mammary gland separately; It is the placement of the nipple and areola in their new anatomical location by preserving the blood supply and sensation.

These surgeries result in differently placed scars depending on the method. Although the scars are initially disturbing, they will work well over time.

Duration of operation varies depending on the technique used, being approximately 2-4 hours. You will be allowed to sit and eat in the 4th postoperative hour.

After the procedure, the patient’s stay in the hospital is 1 to 2 days. There is a band that surrounds the chest the first week, this will be removed on the 7th day and only thin strips covering the sutures will be left. You are allowed to take a bath 48 hours after the drains are removed.

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